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The Epic Saga begins here with

The Rise of the Leviathan

An exciting and intriguing journey into the far reaches of the cosmos. The launch point of what could become a favorite science fiction series for young adults and beyond. The reader is immediately thrust into the aether of the deep void where worlds are not what we expect. Floating continents are in constant turmoil. An ancient battle continues between mysterious powers, some fueled by the scorching light, others fed by the terrifying darkness. The aether teems with its own spawn, and the tentacles of the shadows will drag a poor soul away, never to be seen again. The aether can manipulate the environment, it can even take your mind. Thankfully, the inhabitants of these continents are lucky to have the Inquisition of the Divine Celestial Empire to save and protect them. The Champions of Light will see the darkness vanquished, we hope. Inquisitors, paladins, acolytes, sorcerers, witches, eldritch beings, and unbelievable creatures all try to exist and survive in harsh environments. Many have failed. Great wars and battles have left behind derelict ships floating in the void, empty cities, and the scorched ground below. The story spans a variety of locations and has an ensemble cast of unique characters. The author masterfully takes the reader right into their difficult lives, where they face loss, confusion, failures, and crossroads. And if that's not enough, try visiting the place between places. Don your exposure suit, tighten your safety harnesses, grab a torchlight, and prepare for magic and adventure!

Buy your copy today!

Available at Amazon and Kindle here.

Audiobook coming soon!


The Journey Continues in Book 2

The Price of Power

It will take untold blood and treasure to wield the power of the Leviathan, but who will bare that cost? Dive once again into the world of the Aether Void. Witness the cold truths of a world without sunrise and the scorching reality of a land without a sunset, where insanity and corruption are but a single choice away: to pay the price for power.

Rejoin Victor Aanon in his frantic quest to save an unwilling people from an icy death. The lives of millions hang in the balance as he must navigate the traitorous world. Can he act with integrity without being consumed by the dangers of the void? One thing is certain, doing the right thing bears the highest cost of all.

The Price of power is a universe-spanning tale of intrigue and terror. One that will test the wills of our intrepid heroes and force them to question their moral core as well as their understanding of the very nature of the cosmos that they dwell within. Tears will flow, blood will be shed, and that which one loves most will be sacrificed on the altar to the purest of evil. All for but a single step in the journey. No one touches the void, and remains unchanged.

Available on Kindle and paper back Get your copy today!